The Government of Hungary is committed to increasing the competitiveness of Hungarian innovation and to supporting the international embeddedness of Hungarian science. A key science policy goal is to make Hungary the most dynamic knowledge centre in Central Europe by 2030. The targeted promotion of health economy-related R&D will strengthen the country’s national sovereignty and may lead to the development of marketable products and services abroad. In this spirit, the government has decided to establish the BrainVisionCenter Nonprofit Kft. Research Institute and Competence Centre.

The BrainVisionCenter was jointly established by the Hungarian State, Femtonics Kutató és Fejlesztő Kft. and by the NeurofotonIQa Knowledge Centre Foundation in December 2021. The mission of the institute is to provide a place for pioneering medical technology, biotechnology and drug discovery innovation processes, similar to the most renowned international research institutes, which will eventually lead to high-tech healthcare developments, patents and socially useful results and therapeutic procedures based on Hungarian technology.

The BrainVisionCenter Nonprofit Ltd. Research Institute and Competence Centre is currently owned by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation (KIM). As a partly state-owned company, the Research Centre, with the professional support of the KIM, creates an innovative and result-oriented national and international scientific environment by providing the necessary human and research infrastructure. The government has provided HUF 5.2 billion to support the research objectives of the institution.