Department of Biological Chemistry

The activities of the Department of Biological Chemistry of the BrainVisionCenter are based on three main pillars. Firstly, it provides a so-called ‘core-facility’ (synthetic support) service for the other laboratories of the research institute. Its mission is to reproduce, integrate and make available to biological researchers small molecule fluorescent dyes, sensors and the latest results in chemical synthesis that are recently published in the literature and that are relevant to the Institute’s mission.

In addition to the above, it also carries out independent basic research and development activities in relevant biological fields. This includes in particular the production of voltage-sensitive fluorescent sensors and sensor molecules, which are of particular importance in the Institute’s research work based on microscope technology.

A further central task of the department is the artificial light-induced or light-controlled axon growth of neurons, which will allow the generation of new neural networks in vitro. The long-term goal is to use these results to expand the therapeutic options available for CNS diseases in everyday medicine.


dr. Zoltán Mucsi

Head of the Department of Biological Chemistry

dr. Zsolt Rapi

Preparative development chemist

dr. Levente Cseri

Research chemist, postdoc

Bence Kontra

Chemist, PhD student

Farkas Domahidy

Chemical engineer, PhD student

dr. Ervin Kovács

Deputy Head of the Department of Biological Chemistry